Friday, October 27, 2017

Lesson 9: Collaborative ICT Development


So far, we have created blogs and website that we can categorize as personal. But like the many websites and bogs you visit every day, you see that some of them are produced by multiple people.

Web Portals

A web portal is a website that contains information from different sources and places them in a one location in a uniform way. An example of a web portal is Yahoo!(

Top Web Portals:

1. MySpace

2. Baidu

3. Wikipedia

4. Facebook

5. Youtube

6. Yahoo

7. Google

Online Collaboration:

Online Collaboration lets a group of people work together in real-time over the internet there are many great online tools available, which can help your team accomplish its goals.

Tips to have a successful collaborative tool:

  • Easy to use and to setup
  • Have features that will fit your purpose
  • Ability to upload documents
  • Have security features


Trello is a free tool used for online collaboration. Below is the Link of our trello page where me and my team created a website that will help you through ICT development, go check it out Thanks! Here is the link: BluePower Inc.

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