Friday, October 13, 2017

Lesson 8: Basic Web Page Creation


People use HTML codes to create pages and CSS codes to design them. If you have taken up these coding skills before, then it will help you in creating pages using WYSIWG. if you have not, WYSIWYG is designed for everyone who has not or does not prior coding skills.

WYSIWYG is the acronym for What You See Is What You Get. This means that whatever you type, insert, draw, place, rearrange, and everything you do on a page is what the audience will see.

Homepage- it is the first webpage of the website, which usually provides information about the website, its purpose is and contents.

Splash page - it contains multimedia which is designed to be attractive and intriguing.

Ways of Accessing the Web:

1. Dial-up connection

2. DSL

3. Cable Internet

4. Wireless Internet

5. Dedicated Line

Web Browsers

A web site must be tested and viewed using the browsers that are commonly used by users worldwide.

Kinds of Web Browsers:

  • Internet Explorer
  • Google
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Safari
  • Opera
  • Netscape
  • Flock

Basic Web Design Principles:

  • Balance - symmetrical and asymmetrical arrangements of the text and objects of the web page.
  • Proximity - proper arrangement of related elements would facilitate user interaction.
  • Focus - a web page must have a focal point that you want the user to focus and remember.
  • White Spaces - literary blank spaces to allow readability of important texts and draw attention to images on the web site.
  • Unity - it is achieved by using the same company logo, font color, font style, composition and other elements.
  • Alignment - it is the proper arrangement and positioning of the element of the website.

Essential Elements of Web Contents:

  • Accuracy
  • Readability
  • Understandable
  • Concise
  • Ethical and Legal

Planning the Website:

  1. Create the goal
  2. Identify the primary target audience
  3. Plan the Content
  4. Plan and organize the site structure
  5. Planning and designing the navigation scheme
  6. Planning and gathering your resources

My Website

i have created my own website using jimdo, it is all about creating or building your own gaming cpu where me and my team provide you the essentials and specs to create your dream computer. Here is the link of my Website: Rapid-Techno's World of Computers

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